Home School P.E.
P.E. Break at Sky Sky Zone
Friday from 1pm-3pm // Only $10 per HomeSchool Student (not available during School breaks and Holidays)
Discounted jump prices specifically for Homeschool students. Take a break from the books and get some awesome, healthy exercise in on a consistent basis.
Not valid during school breaks (i.e., Summer)

Discounted prices offered for all HomeSchool students of any age. Every Weekday during the school year between 1pm – 3pm.
Take a break from the books and get some awesome, healthy exercise in on a consistent basis. We do ask that this time is reserves for those attending a HomeSchool program as a reward for hard work in the classroom.
Program Details
Home School Jump will be cancelled during Holidays & Summer Break.

Jump Tickets
Visit our park to jump, spin, flip, play and a whole lot more.
Learn more about our general admission options and book your ticket to fun here.

Birthday Parties
Epic for them. Easy for you.
Whether it’s a birthday party, team gathering, Sweet 16 or any other occasion, we’re here to help you celebrate the right way at Sky Zone. Find out more about our party packages and book one today.

Play and Re-Play Every Day!
Make jump time anytime with a Membership. Become a Member and get exclusive discounts, swag and access to Member-only events. Compare our Membership packages and sign up today.