Group Events
Throw an event unlike any other for your coworkers, campers, classroom, team or any other large party

Group booking INfo
- Minimum 20 jumpers
- Maximum 60 jumpers
- Pay per jumper
- Socks are included (You save $4.99 on socks per a guest)
- Group Booking Discounts are for 90 minutes and 120 minutes Open Jump; 60 minutes and 90 minutes for GLOW.
- Open Jump Group bookings available during open jump hours of operation, and GLOW rated are for the GLOW hours of operation.
- 24 hour deadline to book groups
- Access to all areas except party rooms
- Pizza and drinks will NOT be included, they are available for purchase at our concessions stand
- We ask a list of guests be provided when booking for an easier check in process
If you would like to enquire or book a group jump, please email [email protected] or call us with the following information:
Your preferred date and time of booking, exact number of jumpers, Jump Time (120 or 90 Minutes), your first and last name, name of the organization/school (if applicable), email, phone number and list of guest names.
Ready to Book a Group Event

You Bring The Group
Sky Zone has hosted thousands upon thousands of group events, from schools and church groups to camps, corporate team building and boy/girl scouts. You name it, we’ve hosted it.

We Bring The Fun
Want to take your group to the SKY? Sky Zone would love to host you, and we offer some of the most unique, FUN, and fit activities around on our patented, all-trampoline, walled playing courts. No matter how big or small your group may be, we can accommodate you.

Plan An Amazing Event With Us
We offer special rates for groups of 15 or more for jump time. You can book for a group of up to 60 jumpers!

Make jump time anytime with a Sky Zone Membership. Play and Re-Play Every Day! Become a Sky Zone Member and get exclusive discounts, swag and access to Member-only events. Compare our Membership packages and sign up today.

Birthday Parties
Epic for them. Easy for you. Whether it's a birthday party, team party or any other special occasion, we're here to help you celebrate the right way at Sky Zone. Find out more about our party packages and book today.

Jump Tickets
Visit our park to jump, spin, flip, play and a whole lot more. Learn more about our general admission options and book your ticket to fun here.